What Type of Roller Shutters Should You Choose?

By: LoydMartin

If you want an attractive and practical way to protect your property, roller shutters are the ideal solution. There are a variety of types to choose from, so here is what you need to know to help you make your decision.

What Exactly Are Roller Shutters?

Roller shutters fit close to windows and doors and serve several purposes, including security, privacy, shading your home, and blocking out the heat. The shutters operate by rolling up and down on guides that are fitted to each side of the door or window. The guides are designed in such a way that you can’t pull the shutter out to gain access to the house.

Different Options for Shutters

Stoke-on-Trent roller shutters come in a range of styles, including aluminium shutters which are designed as aluminium slats joined together. Each of the slats has a cavity inside it filled with insulating foam. You may prefer to choose steel roller shutters that are designed with galvanised steel slats that are joined together. Both types of roller shutters may be powder coated to match the colour of your home, or as an accent for doors and windows. For something a little different, you can opt for timber roller shutters that can be polished or come in a natural finish.

Manual or Motorised?

Roller shutters also offer the choice between being manually operated or motorised. The motorised shutters are fitted with a tiny motor that lowers or raises the shutters when you push a button. Shutters can be installed with sensors to open automatically and close depending on weather and lighting conditions. Roller shutters that are operated manually are fitted with a winder that is placed inside your home; you can turn the winder to lower or raise the shutter as desired.

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Head to a showroom and take a look at the kinds of roller shutters available before making your decision.