How to get a paper published in a journal?

By: LoydMartin

Journals publish well-written articles that present well-supported facts and contribute to the knowledge base in the particular field that this publication targets.

 These recommendations will help to know how to get a paper published in a journal.

Preparation before Writing

  1. Choose the right journal

 Find a journal matching the scope of your paper and master the submission criteria. Pick a journal where your piece will create enough impact. Attach a cover letter explaining the importance of your work when submitting it. Mention it explicitly so that hr editor and peer reviewers will have its purpose in mind as they will not have time to dig for detail or they can miss the point.

  1. Know and write for your audience

  Know the journal readers from the beginning so that you write in their interest.  Know their background and write to match their knowledge base, interest, and expectations.   Provide your main points from the beginning because readers should not struggle to determine your message or article structure. Journal editors, reviewers, and audience are busy professionals and will not want hard to follow the premium business writing services material. Answer their possible questions such as why they should read your submission and reasons that make it better than others.

  1. Outline your ideas properly

Outline the ides in a coherent order beginning with the main one followed by supporting points. Outlining may not be refined from the beginning.  If you are struggling, use post-it notes or write all ideas down and then form the opinions in a coherent structure.

Paper Writing Process

  1. Start with your best idea, expand and support it
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Academic writing is different from novels that reveal an outcome on the last page. A valid scientific narrative begins from one point of focus. Start from one end, take the reader through a clear structure of support and progressively bring the story to fruition.  The order and organization should be evident throughout the content. If you repeat or circle back the details’, it shows that you should revise the structure.

  1. Write in a simple language

 Scientific topics can be complex, but it is not a green light to use the problematic terminology or acronyms especially when you are targeting a multi-disciplinary international journal.

Find alternative terms to prevent diversion of attention as the reader tries to grasp the meaning of difficult words. Use simple straightforward instead of long-winded sentences.   The words should plain without ambiguity to avoid vagueness. Every word you use should add value to your presentation.  Seek the help of your advisor, peers or university writing center, and even a professional service if you intend to publish a language requiring massive translation.

  1. Include relevant figures

Figures provide persuasive evidence from experimental data and simplify understanding the message than a long, complicated description.  Gather all the statistics and images that you want to use in your paper before you begin writing. It helps you to think of the most appropriate organization and facilitate the writing of your results section. Only use images and figures containing relevant and robust examples of the work and other controls.

Do not submit your work before a thorough edit. Edit after writing but not when writing. You should also ask a knowledgeable person to help you with editing. If the editor provides recommendations, revise your work to fit the recommendations and send the paper with a note showing the changes to meet the revision requirements.

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